Don't eat ten female pill

Posted by you knoe Friday, February 6, 2009

Don't eat ten female pill

Don't eat pill women

Generally speaking, all of the health of bearing-aged women are all can use contraceptives, but in the use of oral contracepties women not:

1, acute and chronic hepatitis and with women is unfavorable take nephritis.

Because the body's metabolism in the liver are pill, renal excretion, if the acute and chronic hepatitis and with the women use, nephritis will increase liver and kidney burden.

2, suffering from heart disease or cardiac adverse person cannot use.

The pill in water, can make estrogen substances such as sodium, burden of can aggravating heart.

Three women have hypertension, unfavorable use.

A woman will make the blood pressure.

4 and the family history of diabetes and diabetes, unfavorable use.

Because the pill, may make a moderately elevated blood sugar, diabetes, and so become dominant recessive of diabetic women will produce adverse effects.

5, hyperthyroidism, thyroid function in the women's no cure, had better not use contraceptives before.

6 and breast benign tumor, uterine fibroids and various kinds of patients with malignant tumor, unfavorable use to avoid adverse effects.

7, past or present with vascular thrombosis sex disease (such as stroke, myocardial infarction, vasculitis, etc).

In the pill estrogen may increase blood clotting, will increase cardiovascular disease.

8 and chronic headaches especially migraine and vascular headache women unfavorable use, can accentuate otherwise symptoms.

Over the past month after 9, junior, had better not use.

The long-term use of contraceptives can make a shrinking state, uterus more will reduce menstrual quantity.

10 and lactation women unfavorable use.

Pill can make the milk secreted decrease, and reduce the quality of milk, also can enter the milk of lactation son, adverse effects, so lactating women unfavorable use.

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